Step 1: Login / Register on Connaught's Fundraising Site:
Note: If you have ordered pizza or movie tickets in 2023-24 via Hot Lunches, or supported our previous fundraisers, please log in with your existing account. Otherwise, all users (parents and returning guests) need to create a new account for the 2023 - 2024 school year. Last year's accounts have been deleted.
To create an account, click Registeron the in the menu bar at the top of the page. If you already have an account, enter your Email and Password and click "Login".
To Register:
Identify yourself as a Parent or a Guest (e.g. Teacher, friend, neighbour, etc.)
Enter the remaining information required to set up your account. When you have finished entering your information click on "Register Now" button at the bottom of the screen. Note: You will use the same login and password for any future online ordering or fundraisers this year.
Once you're logged in, please follow the instructions on the Welcome Page to finish setting up your account.
QUESTIONS or PROBLEMS on using the Fund Raiser Orders system?
If you have forgotten your password, or need to reset it, and have a Parent account, please visit the Connaught Hot Lunchessite. Only Guest Customers can change their password through Fund Raiser Orders.